About Last Week’s Parties in my Book’s Honor

Following the extraordinary success of Love, or the Witches of Windward Circle book launch party at the Last Bookstore, our friend Mrs. Elektra Fry from Glendale, California, organized a macabre-theme party in my book’s honor. Well, she called it an Edgar Allan Poe themed party and forgot to make any direct references to my book, but deeply in my heart I knew that all that food and all that booze was in my honor. After dinner and drinks the party moved to her neighbors’, where we had plenty of candy and a woman played the harpsichord and sang beautiful baroques arias. I had to ask for a tissue. Deep in my heart I also knew that she was playing and singing in my book’s honor. After the music, a man read the Tell-Tale Heart by Poe, and I swear to God, I wasn’t at all jealous.

Later we went to another party, at the house of award winning director Mr. Kiff Scholl from Echo Park. Mr. Scholl was celebrating his 47th birthday — “he looks not one day older than 25,” I whispered into Terry’s ear — so I made my best effort not to talk about my book. It was Kiff’s night and Kiff’s only. Why would I bother his guests explaining why he had brought some many penis-shaped cookies?

Alas, radio heartthrob, Steve Chiotakis, was there. IMG_9831He recognized me and insisted on taking his picture with whom, he said, “is destined to become the most famous author of Santa Monica.” I was forced to give him a book for Michael Silverblatt too, the host of Bookworm. “Why, I don’t wan’t to bother Mr. Silverblatt,” I said, while I clapped twice, an indication
to my Terry to gallop to the car and bring two copies. “But if you insist,” I continued, “I reckon Mr. Silverblatt may benefit of having me in his show, yes. I’ll ask my publisher for his approval.”

Steve may say that things didn’t quite happen that way, but this is my version.

I love partying with the rich and famous. Fame won’t change me, though, I promise. I’ll never forget the one time I rode a bus from West Hollywood full of poor people. It made me want to change the world. For the better.

Now, my two or three readers: Don’t forget to attend my reading at Beyond Baroque on Halloween day at 1:00 PM! It’s this coming Saturday.


Love, or the Witches of Windward Circle

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